Sunday 1 November 2015

My first five months in Canberra [school life]

It's been a long time I didn't post any blog in here. I remember that I made a promise before went here that I would like to post a weekly blog. But, promise is just a promise. :p

So, let me retry again.

I arrived in the first week of winter, June 2015. Wow! It was so cold! I just had a few warm clothes and was so lazy to buy a new one. Fortunately, I'm still alive and ready to meet the summer! Yuhuuuu!

As an Australian Awards Scholarship recipient, I had to attend an Introduction Academic Program. The materials were amazing. We're thought some basic academic skills so then we'll be ready facing our first semester. We learnt how to do critical reading, annotated bibliography, literature review, essay writing, Ms. Office, and many more. I think it was an excellent program for us.

After the IAP, I'm officially PhD student of Research School of Earth Sciences, the Australian National University. Finally, I'm a student again! For me, it's a tough journey to be able here. I needed more than one year to be accepted as the ANU's student. I'm here! I thank to Prof. Phil Cummins, our ayah, who has done everything for me.

Currently, I'm struggling to decide my research topic. So many interesting things to do. Phil lets me to find anything that I want to do. That's a good thing. But, it's hard for me. The most important thing is I should really-really want to solve that problem.

Firstly, I would like to extend my Master's thesis, PTHA. Unfortunately, its seems more engineering problem and just have a little tsunami science. Then, I started to look about HF Radar for tsunami detection. Then I met a new problem that we may hard to find the data. After that, I want to know more about tsunami-internal wave interaction. Unfortunately, I couldn't find evidences. Now, I'm interested on tsunami-tide interactions. Should I continue it? But suddenly, Phil asks me again to read on HF Radar. Oh,,,, come one!

During my procrastinating time to get a topic, I'm helping Dr. Sebastien Allgeyer to run some tsunami model for Illapel tsunami event 2015. Sebastien is pointed as my second supervisor. Now, we're running Greens Function and would like to make tsunami inversion. The interesting thing is that we want to see the difference inversion result from SWE, dispersive and loading effect.

On the next blog, I would like to tell you my life style in here.


Monday 23 February 2015

Australia Awards Scholarship Pre-Departure Training (Day - 1)

Hi, today was the first day of my Australia Awards Scholarship Pre-Departure Training (PDT). I will join the 8 weeks group!
For your information, the PDT is divided into 5 big groups and it is depend on your IELTS score. If you have, at least, overall score 6.5 with all bands above 6.0 you will be in 6 weeks group. The 8 weeks group is because we have overall score 6.5 but we have one or more bands below 6.0. You will join the 4.5 months group if you have 6.0 IELTS score, 6 months for 5.5, and 9 months for 5.0. 
The PDT for 6 weeks and 8 weeks groups are started on 23 February + 6 weeks / 8 weeks. My friend, he is in 4.5 months group, will start the PDT sometime in May. But, I don't know for the 6 months and the 9 months groups.
I'm practicing my writing skill. I apologize if there are a lot of grammar errors :p
So, what we did on the first day?
 From my acceptance letter, the registration is started at 8.00 until 9.00. But, I arrived at IALF at 7.45! Ah, I came too early. We need to fill a form. Oh ya, don't forget to bring 3*4 photo, your ID card, and BCA bank account. IALF will send monthly stipend to your BCA account :D.
At 9.10, we started the opening ceremony until 9.30 or 9.40. There were 3 persons who delivered speech. Then we did morning break. I drank a medicine before I left my home this morning. When the opening ceremony, I was already sleepy! :p
After the morning tea break, Simone presented course introduction for an hour! I forgot most of her presentation! :p
After Simone presentation, the 6 weeks group stayed at the auditorium room for Prof. Victor Callan presentation. We, the 8 weeks group, did the induction program about IALF facilities. IALF has a resource center room, which is a library. IALF alo has many computers. We also will receive a student email. We need to check it every time.
At 12.00, the induction program for 8 weeks group was done. Me and my new friend, Muqdis, had lunch at a small canteen near the parking area of Menara Kuningan. IALF is located at Menara Kuningan complex.
At 13.00, I went to the auditorium for Prof. Victor Callan presentation. Prof. Callan is a business professor at Quensland University and AAS academic advisor. The main thing of his presentation is tip and trick to choose an Australian university! Because I was under drug controlled, I also didn't remind some of his presentation :p
We finished the introduction session of the first day at 15.00! Time to go home!

Saturday 21 February 2015

AAS Additional documents

Besok Senin (23 Februari 2015) saya akan memulai Pre-Departure Training untuk Australia Award Scholarship selama 8 minggu dan dilanjutkan dengan PhD Extension program selama 2 minggu. Ternyata, untuk datang di hari pertama training saja sudah ada perjuangannya :). Sewaktu mengumpulkan aplikasi AAS tahun lalu, saya sudah membaca bahwa kandidat yang lolos seleksi harus mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen dalam Bahasa Inggris. Saya pikir, dokumen tersebut baru akan disiapkan saat training. Enggg Inggg Enggg.... Ternyata AAS meminta dokumennya sebelum training dimulai dan mereka meminta 10 hari sebelum training :D. Puji Tuhan, sebagian dokumen sudah saya terjemahkan dan siap. Dokumen apa saja yang diminta? Yang pasti, mau daftar sekolah di mana pun akan diminta ijazah dan transkrip waktu kuliah. Untungnya, setelah saya lulus S1 dan S2, saya langsung membuat translate Ijazah dan Transkrip di kampus. Sekaligus sudah mempunyai salinan yang dilegalisir. Jadi, dokumen ini tidak terlalu sulit untuk disiapkan. Saya hanya perlu mengambil di Bandung, di rumah. Selanjutnya, sudah pasti pihak kampus akan meminta surat rekomendasi atau referensi dari mantan pembimbing Anda. Terimakasih pak Hamzah dan pak Irwan yang telah bersedia menjadi dosen referensi untuk aplikasi saya. FYI, surat rekomendasi dalam Bahasa Inggris ini sudah saya kumpulkan bersama formulir aplikasi tahun lalu. Nah, waktu mengumpulkan aplikasi, AAS juga meminta pilihan universitas yang akan saya tuju. Dengan PeDe, saya cuma memasukkan satu nama kampus! Haha. Padahal AAS memberi kesempatan untuk membuat dua pilihan. Pada tahap ini, AAS meminta bukti korespondensi kita dengan calon supervisor akan saya tuju. Buktinya cukup dari email-emailan dengan sang Prof. Karena saya sudah kontak-kontakan dengan Prof sejak 2 tahun lalu dan saya sudah pernah apply ke Uni nya langsung, jadi buktinya dapat dengan mudah saya dapatkan. Selain itu, sang Prof juga pernah mengirimkan letter bahwa Ia setuju untuk menerima saya :). Tapi, waktu itu belum saya kumpulkan. Jadi, dokumen ini sudah siap! Ternyata ada dua dokumen yang belum saya punyai, yaitu Surat Kepolisian dalam Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahan akte kelahiran dari certified translator. Surat kepolisian, bekennya SKCK, bilingual buatnya cukup gampang tapi prosedurnya cukup panjang. SKCK bilingual hanya dikeluarkan oleh Kepolisian Daerah (POLDA) di setiap provinsi. Sebelum mengeluarkan SKCK tersebut, POLDA meminta surat rekomendasi dari POLRES tempat kita tinggal dan pas foto 4*6 dengan latar belakang merah. Di POLRES, pak polisi mengambil sidik jari saya dan dibuat rumus. Selain itu, saya juga diminta foto 4*6 3 buah dengan latar belakag warna merah dan surat rekomendasi dari POLSEK terdekat dengan tempat tinggal. POLSEK akan membuat surat rekomendasi setelah saya mendapat surat pengantar dari Kecamatan. Nah, untuk mendapatkan surat pengantar dari kecamatan, saya perlu ke pak RT, pak RW, lalu ke kelurahan. Dengan perjalanan yang cukup panjang itu, akhirnya saya bisa mendapat SKCK bilingual. Jangan lupa untuk membuat copy-an yang dilegalisir di POLDA. Terimakasih papa untuk membuatkan surat pengantar dari pak RT dan RW juga pak satpam yang membantu membuatkan surat rekomendasi dari POLSEK. Dokumen terakhir yaitu akte kelahiran terjemahan. Nah, yang ini saya minta tolong penerjemah resmi yang biasa dipakai oleh kantor. Waktu itu, saya cukup email-emailan dengan penerjemahnya dan mengirim scan akte kelahiran. Dalam waktu tiga hari, terjemahan sudah saya terima! Dokumen sudah siap dan sudah saya kirim ke AAS Indonesia! ...

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Nasi Uduk

Salah satu menu sarapan paling yahud yaitu nasi uduk! Sebenarnya nyari nasi uduk di sekitar rumah atau dekat kantor tuh gampang. Masalahnya: kalau cari di rumah dan ngebungkus makan di kantor, keburu udah ga enak juga benyek. Kalau beli di kantor, sering kehabisan. Hehe. Solusinya ya saya coba untuk membuatnya. Sehubung alat masaknya tidak lengkap dan hasil mencari-cari, akhirnya saya menemukan resep membuat nasi uduk menggunakan rice cooker. Nah, berikut akan saya jelaskan. Bahan: 2 gelas beras (takaranya ga tau berapa gr liter) 2 gelas air (gunakan takaran yang sama dengan beras) santan instan sekitar 65 ml - 100 ml garam secukupnya (sebenarnya ini takaran paling sulit) daun salam (biasanya saya pakai 4 lembar, semakin banyak semakin wangi) Alat: Rice cooker Cara: 1. Cuci beras sesuai selera 2. 2 gelas beras + 2 gelas air + santan dicampur dan aduk rata. 3. Tambahkan garam sesuai selera. 4. Masukkan daun salam. 5. Masaklah bahan-bahan yang sudah dicampur seperti memasak nasi putih biasa. 6. Aduk nasi setengah matang supaya bahan-bahan makin tercampur. 7. Tunggulah nasi matang. 8. Kalau rice cookernya punya lapisan tambahan untuk mengukus, gunakanlah untuk mentanak nasi supaya lebih joss!!! Semoga enak...

Tuesday 10 February 2015


During R&V weekly meeting on Friday last week, I received an email from Australia Award Scholarship. The important message of the email is I am offered an Australia Award Scholarship for continue my PhD degree. Then, I have to take Pre-Departure Training for 8 weeks, it is because my overall IELTS score was 6.5 but I had 5.5 on speaking, and 2 weeks for PhD Extension program. The training will be started on 23 February 2015. Today is 10 February 2015. So, I have 12 days left for finishing my job at AIFDR. I have discussed about this with my supervisor. He is a kind person. He supports me to attend the training. He also decided that I not need to make a resign letter for the training. After the training, I can come back to office and continue my job until the end of my contract. Starting next week after, I will try to make a 'diary' of my Pre-Departure Training until I get full scholarship and depart to Australia. Yuhu!!!!!!